Audi MMI   Navigation  Calling up traffic information
If desired, your MMI system will inform you about the current traffic situation both on the screen and audibly.
You are probably familiar with the traffic reports that most radio stations transmit at regular intervals. Your MMI system automatically records these reports Link. The reception of traffic reports is indicated by the TP symbol in the status line of the display when the radio or media mode is activated Link.
In addition, many radio stations transmit TMC/TMCpro traffic messages that are received automatically and inaudibly by your MMI system. You can display these messages on your MMI display. Another even more convenient function is that the MMI system uses these messages when the dynamic traffic avoidance function is activated to guide you around traffic obstructions or congested areas whenever possible Link.
Reception of traffic messages is indicated by the TMC/TMCpro symbol in the status line of the display when the Navigation or Info menus are open.
TMC/TMCpro symbol
TMC/TMCpro stations are available and dynamic traffic avoidance is switched on Link.
Greyed out
TMC/TMCpro stations are not available and dynamic traffic avoidance is switched on.
Not displayed
Dynamic traffic avoidance is switched off.

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